Meanwhile, half of our time in Barcelona is already over - time flies.
Unfortunately, my week didn't start very well. My mobile phone was stolen in a club at the weekend. We reported the theft to the police, but they couldn't do anything more for us. On Monday, I had to get a new mobile phone because I couldn't find my way around without GPS.
My week at work was very good though. I was allowed to do many things, as I am now the only intern in the company. Among other things, I got to work in accounting this week, which was more or less great.
In our free time we did a lot of things. On Wednesday we went to the Bunker del Camel and watched the sunset - I have never seen anything so beautiful!! On Thursday, we went to an open-air cinema on the beach, we didn't understand anything but we enjoyed the atmosphere. On Friday we went to a club in the evening, luckily my mobile phone was not stolen this time ;)
All in all we had a great second week and I am excited for the following one.
On Sunday we are going to the Costa Brava to do a diving course, but I will tell you more about that in my next blog!
See you soon,
Bussi Baba