¡Hola y bienvenido chicas y chicos to my last blogpost from Barcelona!
When I'm writing my blog posts is when I realise how fast time flies. I can't believe that the 4 weeks of Barcelona are already over!? Somehow it feels like I have been here just for a few days but also like I have already lived here my enitre life at the same time? This city is just crazy but somehow I fell in love with it.
I can still remember how anxious I was just thinking about the fact that I have to go to work everyday in a foreign country at a company I have never even heard of before with people who don't even speak my language. Spoiler - it turned out the people at my workplace are really kind and speak English pretty well. But the best thing of it all was that i was able to go to the beach every break - sitting there with my lunch and my book felt like free therapy and I'm falling in love with the sea, the palm trees and the beach all over again everyday.
I'm still impressed by the fact how well we managed our daily life, we never even once had an argument or anything like that and even though we didn't have a big apartment we gave each other the space we needed. The apartment itself had everything you needed (well we couldn't use our full cooking potential because the kitchen supplies were limited to the bare minimum) but apart from that and the fact that we had to take 64 stairs until we reached our apartment, I can't complain. (to quote Sophia: 64 whole f*** stairs that no one wants to climb in this house. amen.)
To show you how much fun I had with the others: I even enjoyed doing the dishes where we always took turns besides mopping, sweeping and cooking to keep it fair. (don't worry mama, my inner housewife will come out at some point at home too;)
Thinking about the bucket list we created at the beginning I am really proud of us as we actually have by now visited everything that was of priority for us. In this month we became professional tourists or more almost locals.
This last week we used to tick off the last few things that were left on the list. We went midnight swimming on Friday and had an absolutely instagram-worthy brunch on Saturday. Visiting the Montjuic afterwards was a bit disappointing as it was not how we expected it to be, but nevertheless we had fun anyways.
Because all of us fell in love with Costa Brava we used our Sunday for a daytrip to Blanes and enjoyed the beach, the sun and the food.
A childhood memory for all of us are the Barbie movies and therefore it was obligatory for us to go to the cinema and watch the new movie there - of course our dresscode was all-in-pink!
Not that i could ever forget this trip, but on Wednesday we got pierced and Sophia even tattooed. Now we have this trip literally with us forever and I couldn't be more happy about my Helix!
Yesterday - thursday- we met with the Agency for a last talk and then went to a skybar where we had an amazing view over the whole city.
Now I am sitting in my office on my last day and getting bit sentimental realising that this time is already over.. (nevertheless I am still looking forward to my mom making Schnitzel for me ;)
To answer my questions from the first blog Luisa, Vici, Jana, Elli, Sophia and I indeed lived our best life. We made so many unforgettable memories, had fun, actually became a bit tanned and especially had the time of our lives. I will forever keep these girls and the memories we made together in my heart.
That's it from me - besitos de despedida
Pia :)