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Niklas: Third time in Vicenza

Autorenbild: Niklas MüllerNiklas Müller

Dear folks, This is now the second last time that you are going to hear from me! 8 Weeks have passed and it has been an astonishing time!

Time flew by like nothing and I still can't fathom that next week I will be home in Austria again and a new chapter in my life will begin...

Enough reminiscing! What happened this week? This week I more or less finished up all my business here. On Friday I had all three presentations right after another and it went flawlessly! Everyone was satisfied with my findings and my presentation skills.

So I guess it had a benefit that from third grade on, we were drilled on talking about basically everything you can imagine in front of people in English. Thanks a lot for having given me this skill!

On Thursday, my parents visited me, who made an in-between stop in Schio until Sunday, before traveling more south. We explored Vicenza together, which they really enjoyed and we also went up the famous Basilica there. The Basilica was back then a marketplace and you can see in one of the pictures how colossal the inside of it simply is. The main attraction however was the view you get over the city, which we definitely appreciated!

Additional noteworthy seeings we made, were of course located in this park/zoo, where we saw tons of Nutrias (The mixture between rats and beavers), chickens as well as bunnies!

After having seen Vicenza we then went to the Villa Rotonda. This is a famous Villa (of course), which was designed by Palladio, who also made the Basilica. A very nice and impressive building, I however would prefer not to live there (and 10€ just to see one floor of Art and furniture from back then is a bit of a scam in my opinion :/ ). Still a very nice place!

This was basically my 8th week in a nutshell! Next week is going to be my last one and I still am not sure on what to think about that... I simply have made so many new experiences and the people at work are simply marvelous (as my colleague would say)!



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Bundeshandelsakademie 1

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