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Sophia Leopolder
24. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Sophia L: Week 3 - coming to an end
Hallihallo again! I can`t believe that week 3 is nearly over and we are heading home next week! As promised I will tell you about our...
32 Ansichten

Amina Rahmanovic
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Amina R: brand new experiences
Hi guys!! How are you? I'm doing really well here in Lisbon!! This week the summer courses took place at the Helen Doron English school...
23 Ansichten

24. Juli 20233 Min. Lesezeit
Isi's Crete Chronicles: Part 3
Week 3 started amazingly - well not really. I got sick and couldn't do anything for a few days. Must have been a summer cold. So yeah...
23 Ansichten

Luisa Kainz
24. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Luisa K: Visiting Mr. Crabs on the bottom of the Costa Brava 🦀
Hello and welcome to a new edition: ognaggite in Barcelona !! Now it is already possible to count down the days we have left in Barcelona...
22 Ansichten

Nadine Neuhofer
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Nadine N: Open air cinema and surfing lessons
Here we go again, life's a dream. Another week has passed on our journey and we have experienced many different things: rooftop cinema...
13 Ansichten

Pia-Katharina Kravanja
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Pia-Katharina K: Mermaid dream come true
Diving in the deep ocean between fish, sea urchins and octopuses sounds like a dream - this dream came true for the six of us last...
9 Ansichten

24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Alex N: Riding the Waves of Time: Reflections on My Third Week as an Erasmus Intern in Portugal
As my third week as an Erasmus+ intern in Portugal draws to a close, I can hardly believe how quickly time has flown by. This week has...
19 Ansichten

Julia Lercher
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Juli L: My third week in Lisbon
Time passes, and now we are already starting our last week here in Lisbon. However I am going to tell you what I did in week three. Well...
18 Ansichten

Daniela Schischka
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Daniela S: Life in Florence
Another week has passed, and life here is becoming more exciting every day. Katharina and I are adapting well to the Italian lifestyle,...
16 Ansichten

Katharina Bachinger
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Kathi B: La terza settimana a Firenze
Since my last blog on Wednesday last week a lot of time has passed. Of course, since then we have done many things. We ate a typical...
17 Ansichten

24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Rebecca R: Time is flying by...
Last week, everything was new and felt so different. This week, it almost felt normal going to work here and living in a new city. It...
94 Ansichten

Lara Woerthner
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Lara W: Week 2 in Barcelona
Although I know that time here is exactly the same as in Salzburg, somehow it feels different. Never have 2 weeks passed so quickly. I...
28 Ansichten

24. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Isi's Crete Chronicles: Part 2
It's just crazy to me how fast time passes if you're having a good time. I can't believe that half of my time here is over. There is...
11 Ansichten

24. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Anna K: Week 2 - Did we become locals?
The second week went pretty smoothly I think - I mean what can possibly go wrong living on an island as great as Crete :) I think we...
19 Ansichten

Amelie Meinhart
20. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Amelie M: Even hotter in Barcelona
Wow, the second week is already over, and the third week has already started. I have to admit, now, it is even hotter!! I can't believe...
26 Ansichten

Bettina Toth
20. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Bettina T: A day in my life on Crete
My second week in Heraklion, Crete has already passed. It's crazy how fast time flies. For today's blog post, I've decided to show you...
11 Ansichten

Amelia Valentina
20. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Amelia B: Warning: Extreme heat and fun!
Hello guys, It's Friday! I hope everyone is doing well, especially my classmates who are also away with Erasmus+! I don't know how...
32 Ansichten

20. Juli 20232 Min. Lesezeit
Vici I: Another amazing week in Barcelona and my absolute highlight!
Hola desde Barcelona! It's already more than halfway through our internship here in Spain. Time flies and every day is used to get to...
20 Ansichten

20. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Rebecca R.: First week in Barcelona!!
When I arrived a week ago, I thought this was going to be a long month and now one week is already over and I have no idea where all the...
39 Ansichten

Julia Lercher
17. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Juli L: New week, new adventures!
It’s already the end of week two here in Lisbon and it has definitely been a thrilling one. On Monday Nadine and I went to a „Miradouro“...
33 Ansichten
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