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Blanca Alvadiaz
23. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Blanca: My first week in Hamburg
Hello, my name is Blanca and I will be taking you with me, for the next four weeks, of my HAK1 Works Abroad journey. I arrived in Hamburg...
6 Ansichten

Elias Loidolt
23. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Elias: Third Week in Crete
The third week has come to an end and with only one more week to go we made sure to enjoy every day. We started the third week by going...
5 Ansichten

Angelina Pucci
22. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Angelina P: Mi experiencia a medio camino
¡Hola a todos! El tiempo vuela, ahora ya ha pasado la mitad de mi estancia en Barcelona. Esta semana ha estado llena de actividades...
27 Ansichten

Kaan Kanara
21. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Kaan K: Our 3rd week in Crete
This week was really eventful for us since we had a great start with an almost private sailing tour to the Dia islands. On the way back...
5 Ansichten

Oliver Wintersteiger
21. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Oliver W: My third week in Crete
It is almost over! The week was great as expected. Work was fun as always, now we are even five Erasmus+ students as two girls joined...
6 Ansichten

Stefi Roittner
21. Juli 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Stefi: Exploring Lisbon - From Pink Street to Cascais
This third week in Lisbon began as usual with work at LBT. I continued to lead and to support engaging tours through the city and handle...
27 Ansichten

David Stadler
20. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
David S. The third week in Bordeaux
My third week in France started off great and finished even better! I felt like I finally really arrived in Bordeaux for the first time....
14 Ansichten

Jonas Ebert
18. Juli 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Sights in Madrid
I've been having an amazing time exploring Madrid so far! I started my visit at Puerta del Sol, which is like the heart of the city. It's...
6 Ansichten

Sarah Hubner
18. Juli 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Sarah: week 3 - a perfect getaway in Ingarö
Ending the second and starting the third week of our stay here in Sweden, we decided to visit the achipelago. If you are looking for an...
86 Ansichten

Theresa Maier
18. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Theresa: My third week in Sweden
Hej it’s me again, Theresa! I want to give you a quick review of the three weeks I have already spent in Stockholm. But I haven’t just...
18 Ansichten

Anna Garneyer
18. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Anna: week 3 - coming to an end
Hello everyone, Another week has gone by. Only one (!) week left. The third week was great and we did a lot. As you can read in Sarah's...
17 Ansichten

Matteo Winkelmeier
18. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Los primeros días en España
El pasado domingo Jonas y yo tuvimos que conducir a Múnich a las once por la mañana. Nuestro vuelto fue a las tres de la tarde. En Madrid...
10 Ansichten

Iris Amerhauser
16. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Iris: Second week in Florence
Ciao, My second week in Florence has come to an end. This week was way easier then the first one. I got to know my workplace and my home...
24 Ansichten

Amelie Kainz
16. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Amelie: First week in Mallorca
My first week in Mallorca was fantastic! I moved into a friend's flat on the first day, which is in a very quiet area. Mallorca is...
29 Ansichten

Matteo Winkelmeier
16. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
El partido España a Inglaterra
¡Al domingo pasado fue el último partido de la Eurocopa! Obviamente somos estuvimos allí, porque España era en el fínale y se jugó a...
11 Ansichten

Elena Pöllitzer
16. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Elena: Ma deuxième semaine à Bordeaux🌟
Ma deuxième semaine à Bordeaux a été très intéressante. J'ai changé de stage et je travaille maintenant chez Cap Ulysse au bureau. Mes...
22 Ansichten

Marton Peterfi
15. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Marton: Travailler à Bordeaux
The second week's conclusion already marks the half-time of this Erasmus+ adventure. While not quite as eventful as the last, I started...
15 Ansichten

15. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Alexander: Exploring Florence
Ciao! This week, I decided to venture outside of Florence and discovered some fantastic new spots. One highlight was visiting Prato,...
11 Ansichten

Kaan Kanara
15. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Kaan: My second week in Crete
The second week has passed and we were really productive this week. At work, my boss informed me that he is flying to Athens for a few...
10 Ansichten

Oliver Wintersteiger
15. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Oliver W: My second week in Crete
Halftime! The second week was also fantastic like the first one. Basically I went swimming every day, tried a lot of Greek food and we...
8 Ansichten
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